Source code for awe.view

from collections import deque

import pydash
import six
from typing import List  # noqa

from . import variables
from . import element_updater

builtin_element_types = {}

def builtin(cls):
    builtin_element_types[cls.__name__] = cls
    return cls

[docs]class Element(object): allow_children = True def __init__(self, root, parent, element_id, props, style, stack): self.root = root = element_id or str(id(self)) self.root_id = getattr(root, 'id', self.element_builder = getattr(root, 'element_builder', ElementBuilder(root)) self.element_type = type(self).__name__ self.parent = parent # type: Element self.index = len(parent.children) + 1 if isinstance(parent, Element) else 0 self.children = [] # type: List[Element] self.ref = Ref() = {} self.props = props or {} self.props['key'] = if style: self.props['style'] = style self._prop_children = {} self._init_complete = False self._removed = False self._stack = stack
[docs] def new_grid(self, columns, **kwargs): """ Add a grid child. Grid children created with ``new_XXX`` methods can provide an additional ``cols`` argument which defaults to 1. Element flow is left, right, top, down. :param columns: Number of columns for the grid. :return: The created grid element. """ return self._new_child(Grid, columns=columns, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_tabs(self, **kwargs): """ Add a tabs child. The only valid ``new_XXX`` method on tabs is ``new_tab``. :return: The created tabs element. """ return self._new_child(Tabs, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_table(self, headers, page_size=None, **kwargs): """ Add a table child. :param headers: list of string headers or dict, in which case, it's keys are used. :param page_size: Optionally, enable table pagination by specifying a page size. :return: The created table element. """ return self._new_child(Table, headers=headers, page_size=page_size, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_button(self, function, text='', icon=None, shape=None, type='default', block=False, **kwargs): """ Add a button child. Most properties here are passed as is to the underlying ant-design button component, so refer to its documentation for more information. :param function: The python function that should be invoked then the button is clicked. :param text: Option text for the button, the function name is used by default (unless shape is supplied). :param icon: See ant design icon documentation. :param type: Any of: ``default`` (which is the default), ``primary``, ``ghost``, ``dashed``, ``danger``. :param shape: Optionally pass ``circle`` for a circle shaped button. :param block: Pass ``True`` to make the button fit the full width of its parent element. :return: The created button element. """ return self._new_child( Button, function=function, text=text, icon=icon, shape=shape, type=type, block=block, **kwargs )
[docs] def new_input(self, placeholder=None, on_enter=None, **kwargs): """ Add an input child. :param placeholder: Optional placeholder text for the input. :param on_enter: Option function to be called when enter is pressed in the input. :return: The created input element. """ return self._new_child(Input, placeholder=placeholder, on_enter=on_enter, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_card(self, text='', **kwargs): """ Add a card child. A card is a small padded box. :param text: Optional text for the card. Otherwise, use ``new_XXX`` methods as usual. :return: The created card element. """ return self._new_child(Card, text=text, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_text(self, text='', **kwargs): """ Add a text child. :param text: Optional text, otherwise, interpreted as line break. ``\\n`` will be interpreted correctly. :return: The created text element. """ return self._new_child(Text, text=text, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_divider(self, **kwargs): """ Add a divider child. A divider is a simple horizontal separator. :return: The created divider element. """ return self._new_child(Divider, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_collapse(self, **kwargs): """ Add a collapse child. The only valid ``new_XXX`` method on collapse is ``new_panel``. :return: The created collapse element. """ return self._new_child(Collapse, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_chart(self, data=None, options=None, transform=None, moving_window=None, **kwargs): """ Add a chart child. :param data: A list of data items. Each data item is expected to match the format the transformer expects. A data item may also be supplied in the form of a 2-tuple (time, data), in which case, the first item is the epoch time in seconds with ms precision and the second item is the data item itself. :param options: Optional highcharts options object. :param transform: A transformer for the supplied data which transforms the data into suitable highcharts charts and series definitions. Can be either a transformer object, a dict with transformer configuration or a string specifying the transformer name. :param moving_window: Optional moving window size in seconds. If specified, chart will maintain this window size. :return: The created chart element. """ from .chart import Chart return self._new_child( Chart, data=data, options=options, transform=transform, moving_window=moving_window, **kwargs )
[docs] def new_icon(self, type, theme='outlined', spin=False, two_tone_color=None, **kwargs): """ Add a new icon element. Most properties here are passed as is to the underlying ant-design icon component, so refer to its documentation for more information. :param type: The icon type. See ant design icon documentation. :param theme: Any of: ``outlined`` (the default), ``filled``, ``twoTone`` :param spin: Pass ``True`` to make the icon spin. :param two_tone_color: When theme is ``twoTone``, a CSS style color for the main color of the icon. :return: The created icon element. """ return self._new_child(Icon, type=type, theme=theme, spin=spin, two_tone_color=two_tone_color, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_inline(self, text='', **kwargs): """ Add a new inline element. Useful in combination with icons. As opposed to ``new_text``, ``new_inline`` doesn't take up a full line when added (a span is used internally). :param text: Optional text for the inline. Inline can also be a container element. :return: The created inline element. """ return self._new_child(Inline, text=text, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_markdown(self, source, **kwargs): """ Add a new markdown element. :param source: The markdown source. :return: The created markdown element. """ return self._new_child(Markdown, source=source, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_prop(self, prop, root=None): """ Create a new element based prop. Mostly used by element implementations but can be used for some low level updates. Normally, the regular ``props`` field is used to pass basic data structures to the underlying react components. Sometimes however, the underlying react component prop accepts a ``ReactNode`` as the prop value. In these cases, using ``new_prop`` will create a new "root" element, similar to ``Page``. Use the standard ``new_XXX`` methods on it to create the element hierarchy that will be passed to the underlying react component prop. Note that a prop named ``PROP_NAME`` can only be created if it doesn't already exist in ``props`` and was not created with a previous ``new_prop`` call. :param prop: The prop name. :param root: Optionally, use a root element built using the element builder :return: The created element based prop. """ assert self.parent assert prop not in self.props assert prop not in self._prop_children result = root or self._new_root() self._prop_children[prop] = if self._init_complete: self._dispatch({ 'type': 'newPropChild', 'id':, 'prop': prop, 'elementRootId': self.root_id, 'elementId': }) return result
[docs] def new(self, obj, **kwargs): """ This method can return different results depending on ``obj`` type. If ``obj`` is a class that inherits from Element, a new element of that type will be created. If ``obj`` is a dict or list, it will be parsed and the parser result will be created. If ``obj`` is a string, it will be yaml loaded and that result will be passed to the parser. When result is passed to the parser, an additional ``inputs`` argument can be supplied as a dict from keys to values that are referenced in the DSL using the ``$`` intrinsic function. :param obj: The ``Element`` subclass, a dict/list or a string to be passed to the parser. :param kwargs: Arguments that should be passed to the ``_init`` method of the created element or one of ``props``, ``style``, ``id``, ``inputs`` if valid. :return: The created element. """ from . import parser if CustomElement._is_custom(obj) and not obj._registered: self.register(obj) if parser.is_parsable(obj): context = parser.ParserContext(inputs=kwargs.pop('inputs', None)) element_configuration = self._parse(obj, context) return self._new_children(element_configuration, **kwargs) else: return self._new_child(obj, **kwargs)
[docs] def register(self, custom_element_cls): """ Register a new custom element. Not that there is not need to explicitly call this method. When creating a new custom element, the element will be registered for you if it isn't already registered. :param custom_element_cls: A subclass of ``CustomElement``. """ assert CustomElement._is_custom(custom_element_cls) if custom_element_cls._registered: return self._register(custom_element_cls, obj_id=custom_element_cls.__name__) custom_element_cls._registered = True self._dispatch({'type': 'refresh'})
[docs] def remove(self, element=None): """ Remove an element from the page. :param element: If supplied, remove the supplied element, otherwise, remove self. """ element = element or self parent = element.parent assert parent return parent._remove_child(element)
[docs] def update_data(self, data): """ Update element data. Mostly used by element implementations but can be used for some low level updates. :param data: The data to update. """ self.update_element(path=['data'], action='set',
[docs] def update_props(self, props, override=True): """ Update element props (underlying react component props). Mostly used by element implementations but can be used for some low level updates. :param props: The props to update. :param override: Should the supplied props override existing props. (default: ``True``) """ final_props = props if not override: final_props = {k: v for k, v in props.items() if k not in self.props} self.props.update(final_props) self.update_element(path=['props'], action='set', data=self.props)
[docs] def update_prop(self, path, value): """ Update a prop inner value. Mostly used by element implementations but can be used for some low level updates. :param path: The nested path of the prop. If the prop is named ``A`` then reaching ``A.b.c`` would be ``['A', 'b', 'c']``. :param value: The value to set in the nested prop path. """ if isinstance(path, six.string_types): path = [path] pydash.set_(self.props, path, value) self.update_element(path=['props'] + path, action='set', data=value)
[docs] def update_element(self, path, action, data): """ Very low level method that dispatches an ``updateElement`` action to the react application running the page. Usually preceded by an internal element data update. """ if not self._init_complete: return assert not self._removed self._dispatch({ 'type': 'updatePath', 'id':, 'rootId': self.root_id, 'updateData': { 'path': path, 'action': action, 'data': data } })
@property def s(self): """ Push current element to stack and return self. :return: self. """ return self._stack_stash() @property def p(self): """ Pop an element from the stack. :return: The popped element. """ return self._stack_pop() @property def n(self): """ Return the top most stack element. :return: The last stacked element or the current root element if none was stacked. """ return self._stack_next() def _init(self, **kwargs): """ Called after element was created with arguments supplied to its new_XXX method. """ pass def _get_new_element_action(self): return { 'type': 'newElement', 'id':, 'rootId': self.root_id, 'index': self.index, 'elementType': self.element_type, 'data':, 'parentId': ( or None) if self.parent else None, 'props': self.props, 'propChildren': self._prop_children } def _get_view(self): result = self._get_new_element_action() result.pop('type') result['children'] = [t._get_view() for t in self.children] return result def _new_children(self, element_configuration, **kwargs): element_configuration['kwargs'].update(kwargs) roots = {} fields = {} def process(parent, conf): element_type = conf['element_type'] kw = conf['kwargs'] kw_children = conf['kwargs_children'] prop_children = conf['prop_children'] children = conf['children'] field = conf['field'] for kw_child in kw_children: kw_root = self._new_root() roots[] = kw_root kw[kw_child] = process(kw_root, kw[kw_child]) element = parent._new_child(element_type, _awe_skip_dispatch=True, **kw) if field: fields[field] = element for prop, prop_child_conf in prop_children.items(): prop_root = self._new_root() roots[] = prop_root process(prop_root, prop_child_conf) element._prop_children[prop] = for child_conf in children: process(element, child_conf) return element top_level = process(self, element_configuration) top_level.ref.refs.update(fields) dispatch_roots = {k: root._get_view() for k, root in roots.items()} dispatch_roots['root'] = [top_level._get_view()] self._dispatch({ 'type': 'processRoots', 'roots': dispatch_roots }) return top_level def _new_child(self, element_type, **kwargs): assert self.allow_children assert not self._removed self._increase_version() props = kwargs.pop('props', None) style = kwargs.pop('style', None) element_id = kwargs.pop('id', None) updater = kwargs.pop('updater', None) skip_dispatch = kwargs.pop('_awe_skip_dispatch', None) arg = kwargs.pop('_awe_arg', None) args = [arg] if arg else [] # type: Element result = element_type( root=self.root, parent=self, element_id=element_id, props=props, style=style, stack=self._stack, ) self._register(result) result._init(*args, **kwargs) if updater: self._register(element_updater.Updater( element=result, updater=updater )) result._init_complete = True self.children.append(result) if not skip_dispatch: self._dispatch(result._get_new_element_action()) return result def _remove_child(self, element): if element._removed: return None assert not self._removed entries = element._remove() self._increase_version() self.children.remove(element) self._dispatch({ 'type': 'removeElements', 'entries': entries }) return entries def _new_variable(self, value, variable_id=None): assert not self._removed self._increase_version() variable = variables.Variable(value, variable_id) self._register(variable) self._dispatch({ 'type': 'newVariable', 'id':, 'value': variable.value, 'version': variable.version }) return variable def _new_root(self): assert not self._removed self._increase_version() result = Root(owner=self.root) self._register(result) return result def _remove(self): entries = [{'id':, 'rootId': self.root_id, 'type': 'element'}] for prop_child_id in self._prop_children.values(): entries.append({'id': prop_child_id, 'type': 'root'}) for child in self.children: entries.extend(child._remove()) self._unregister(self) self._removed = True return entries def _register(self, obj, obj_id=None): self.root._register(obj, obj_id) def _unregister(self, obj, obj_id=None): self.root._unregister(obj, obj_id) def _dispatch(self, action): self.root._dispatch(action) def _increase_version(self): self.root._increase_version() def _parse(self, obj, context): return self.root._parse(obj, context) def _stack_stash(self): self._stack.append(self) return self def _stack_pop(self): return self._stack.pop() def _stack_next(self): return self._stack[-1]
class Root(Element): def __init__(self, owner, element_id=None): super(Root, self).__init__( root=self, parent=None, element_id=element_id, props=None, style=None, stack=[self] ) self._owner = owner # type: Element def _get_view(self): return [t._get_view() for t in self.children] def _increase_version(self): self._owner._increase_version() def _register(self, obj, obj_id=None): self._owner._register(obj, obj_id) def _unregister(self, obj, obj_id=None): self._owner._unregister(obj, obj_id) def _dispatch(self, action, client_id=None): self._owner._dispatch(action) def _parse(self, obj, context): return self._owner._parse(obj, context) class ElementBuilder(object): def __init__(self, owner): self._owner = owner # type: Element def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): root = self._owner._new_root() return*args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, item): root = self._owner._new_root() return getattr(root, 'new_{}'.format(item)) class Ref(object): def __init__(self): self.refs = {} def __getattr__(self, item): return self.refs.get(item) class CustomElement(Element): """ Base class for all custom element implementations. """ _registered = False _scripts = [] _styles = [] @classmethod def _is_custom(cls, obj): return isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, cls) @classmethod def _js(cls): """ Custom element javascript implementation and registration. :return: The javascript code (as a python string) that registers the underlying react component. """ raise NotImplementedError class Raw(Element): def _init(self, tag): self.update_data({'tag': tag}) @builtin class Grid(Element): def _init(self, columns): self.update_data({'columns': columns, 'childColumns': []}) self.update_props({'gutter': 5}, override=False) def _new_child(self, cls, **kwargs): columns = kwargs.pop('cols', 1)['childColumns'].append(columns) if not kwargs.get('_awe_skip_dispatch'): self.update_element(['data', 'childColumns'], action='append', data=columns) return super(Grid, self)._new_child(cls, **kwargs) @builtin class Divider(Element): allow_children = False
[docs]@builtin class Collapse(Element): def _init(self): self.update_props({'defaultActiveKey': []}, override=False) def _new_child(self, cls, **kwargs): assert issubclass(cls, Panel) return super(Collapse, self)._new_child(cls, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_panel(self, header=None, active=False, **kwargs): """ Add a panel child. :param header: If supplied, should be the text to display as the panel header. Otherwise, the returned panel element will expose a ``header`` field. This field should be used to create an element hierarchy (similar to ``Page``) that will be passed as a ``ReactNode`` to the underlying ant design react ``Panel`` component. :param active: Should this panel be collapsed or expanded by default. (default: False) :return: The created panel element. """ result = self._new_child(Panel, header=header, **kwargs) if active: self.props['defaultActiveKey'].append( self.update_props(self.props) return result
@builtin class Panel(Element): def _init(self, header): if header: if isinstance(header, Element): assert header.root_id != self.root_id header = header.root self.new_prop('header', header) else: self.update_props({'header': header}, override=False) self.header = header else: self.header = self.new_prop('header') @builtin class Text(Element): allow_children = False def _init(self, text=''): self.text = text @property def text(self): """ Get the text value. :return: The new text. """ return['text'] @text.setter def text(self, value): """ Set the text value. :param value: The new text. """ self.update_data({'text': value or ''}) @builtin class Card(Text): allow_children = True
[docs]@builtin class Table(Element): allow_children = False def _init(self, headers, page_size=None): if isinstance(headers, dict): headers = list(headers.keys()) self.update_data({'headers': headers, 'rows': deque()}) self.update_props({ 'size': 'small', 'pagination': {'pageSize': page_size, 'position': 'top'} if page_size else False }, override=False)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all table rows. """ if not['rows']: return['rows'] = deque() self.update_data(
[docs] def set(self, rows): """ Override existing table rows with new rows. :param rows: The rows to set. """['rows'] = deque([self._row_data(r, i) for i, r in enumerate(rows)]) self.update_data(
[docs] def append(self, row): """ Append a row. :param row: The row to append. """ self._add_row(row, 'append')
[docs] def prepend(self, row): """ Prepend a row. :param row: The row to prepend. """ self._add_row(row, 'prepend')
[docs] def extend(self, rows): """ Append several rows in one call. :param rows: The rows to append. """ rows_data = [self._row_data(r, i) for i, r in enumerate(rows)]['rows'].extend(rows_data) self.update_element(path=['data', 'rows'], action='extend', data=rows_data)
def _add_row(self, row, action): row_data = self._row_data(row) if action == 'append':['rows'].append(row_data) else:['rows'].appendleft(row_data) self.update_element(path=['data', 'rows'], action=action, data=row_data) def _row_data(self, row, offset=0): if isinstance(row, dict): row = [row[h] for h in['headers']] return {'data': row, 'id': len(['rows']) + 1 + offset}
@builtin class Button(Element): allow_children = False def _init(self, function, text='', icon=None, shape=None, type='default', block=False): assert (not shape) or shape == 'circle' self._function = function self._register(function, self.update_props({ 'icon': icon, 'shape': shape, 'type': type, 'block': block }, override=False) text = text or ('' if shape else function.__name__) self.update_data({'text': text}) def _remove(self): self._unregister(self._function, return super(Button, self)._remove() @property def text(self): """ Get the button text. :return: The button text value. """ return['text'] @text.setter def text(self, value): """ Set the button text. :param value: The new text. """ self.update_data({'text': value}) @builtin class Input(Element): allow_children = False def _init(self, placeholder=None, on_enter=None): self._on_enter = on_enter self._variable = self._new_variable('', if placeholder: self.update_props({'placeholder': placeholder}, override=False) if on_enter: self.update_data({'enter': True}) self._register(on_enter, def _remove(self): self._unregister(self._variable, if self._on_enter: self._unregister(self._on_enter, result = super(Input, self)._remove() result.append({'id':, 'type': 'variable'}) return result
[docs]@builtin class Tabs(Element): def _init(self): self.update_props({'size': 'small', 'animated': False}, override=False) def _new_child(self, cls, **kwargs): assert issubclass(cls, Tab) return super(Tabs, self)._new_child(cls, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_tab(self, name, **kwargs): """ Add a tab child. :param name: The name of the tab. :return: The created tab element. """ return self._new_child(Tab, name=name, **kwargs)
@builtin class Tab(Element): def _init(self, name): self.update_props({'tab': name}, override=False) @builtin class Icon(Element): def _init(self, type, theme='outlined', spin=False, two_tone_color=None): assert theme in ['outlined', 'filled', 'twoTone'] assert (not two_tone_color) or theme == 'twoTone' self.update_props({ 'type': type, 'theme': theme, 'spin': spin, 'twoToneColor': two_tone_color }, override=False) @builtin class Inline(Text): allow_children = True @builtin class Markdown(Element): allow_children = False def _init(self, source): self.update_props({'source': source}, override=False)